16 Vocal Warm-Ups for Choirs
A collection of 16 vocal warm-ups, tried and tested in rehearsals (both live and online). These exercises are suitable for both male and female voices (including SSA / SATB / SAB / TTBB and Community Choirs).
16 Vocal Warm-ups for Choirs – View Score
The Piano version is for MDs and accompanists of choirs.
A4 / PDF / Download
The Choir version includes the Piano version but also has a ‘choir only’ part. When you buy this version you are allowed to print / share copies of the choir part for your choir members.
A4 / PDF / Download
Vocal Warm-ups for the Female Voice

Warming up before you sing is very important as it enables you to become aware of the muscles required for singing, to open areas of resonance in the throat & face and most importantly to connect the breath (and breath support) with the voice. You wouldn’t go for a long run without first warming up and the same goes for singing. This set of exercises is designed to be used at the beginning of your practice routine or before a choir rehearsal.
It is important to think about how you stand when you sing as this will affect your ability to breathe correctly. Stand up tall with your spine feeling as if it has a weight attached to the bottom of your tail bone (to keep it anchored) and also a nice gentle stretch up through the neck.
Try not to let this length diminish as you breathe or concentrate on your music. It is possible to speak or sing whilst holding your breath (try it if you don’t believe me!). This is bad for singing so the first few exercises are designed to make you aware of your airflow and how to keep it moving constantly as you sing. The ‘siren’ used in exercise 4 is another favourite of mine. It is used to extend the range and connect the voice to the support muscles.
Tip: don’t squeeze your throat to get the higher notes. Increase your breath support instead and don’t forget to keep your air flow moving!
Sarah Ogden (Soprano)
Vocal Warm Ups for the Female Voice
A collection of ten exercises to warm up & improve your voice. The download includes an audio introduction, along with ten audio exercises (with soprano & piano accompaniment), vocal sheet music and piano sheet music.
Vocal Warm Ups Sheet Music
A collection of ten exercises to warm up & improve your voice. The download includes an audio introduction and the vocal & piano sheet music.
The audio tracks are also available on BandCamp :