We have three music-based resources for education, all of which are available to purchase and download instantly. Click on one of the options below to learn more.

As well as providing music-based resources for education, Modal Music composer Dorian Kelly also provides private music tuition. You can visit the Lessons page to learn more about private tuition, or visit the contact us page to get in touch if you would like lessons for yourself or your child.


AlphaScales - Music-Based Resource for Education - Logo

The new approach to teaching and learning musical scales, that’s suitable for any instrument.


ScaleMate - Music-Based Resource for Education - Logo

A collection of fun practice tracks, to help musicians of all ages enjoy practising and learning scales.

Count Me In

Count Me In Hip Hop Times Tables Logo - Music-Based Resource for Education

A collection of songs in three styles to help children enjoy learning their times tables.

Most of our products are available as digital downloads with safe and secure payment via PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, you will be given the option to use a debit or credit card at checkout.

After completing your purchase you will receive an email containing confirmation of your purchase. This will also contain download links for each item (if applicable).

If you do not receive your order confirmation email, please be sure to check your spam folder.